The Vivid Topology Service is a prototype application that allows for ETL and transformation of spatial data from a number of source formats. Requests can be ad hoc or scheduled to run at repeating intervals.
This project is maintained by dhlevi
Welcome to the VTS documentation pages. Here you can find information on how to use VTS as a public or admin user, how to use the various VTS processors, installation and setup guides, and development guides.
Installation can be done either manually by cloning the repository and running with NodeJS, or via Docker.
Once you have VTS installed and running there’s not much else to do. Check the setup guide to find information on general configurations.
If you want to create your own custom processors or update the code, follow the dev guide for hints and suggestions.
How to use VTS, as an administrator or as a general user. Also includes instructions on using VTS via the API instead of the UI.
Information on all processors VTS currently has. What they do, how to use them and their properties